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Weblibs Stuff:
Parts of Speech
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Parts of Speech

You can generally consider a noun to be either a person, a place, or a thing. A noun is the subject of a sentence. Sometimes less tangible words can also be nouns. For example, "strength" and "integrity" are both used as nouns. Examples of nouns in sentences (the nouns are boldfaced):

  • My car is in the shop.
  • Wow, that guy sure is funny!
  • Your strength is failing, my friend.

Other types of nouns include proper nouns, which are specific names of a noun which must be capitalized (White House, Jeremy, etc.) and plural nouns, which are simply the plural of the noun (cats, trees, Jeremys, etc).

A verb is usually considered some sort of an action word. Verbs tell you what the subject of a sentence is doing. Examples of verbs in sentences (the verbs are boldfaced):

  • I decided to tell you.
  • Your dog ate my cat!
  • My, that man drives fast.

Other types of verbs include past tense verbs, which are things which have already happened (ate, drank, attacked, etc.); verbs ending in ing (running, swimming, etc.); and verbs ending in 's' or 'es' which indicate something happening presently to some non-plural subject other than "you" or "I" (runs, swims, breaks, etc.).

Adjectives are descriptive words. They're only used to describe nouns, however, and are usually used to make the subject of a sentence more easily imaginable by precisely describing it. Examples of adjectives in sentences (the adjectives are boldfaced):

  • You have a nice new cat.
  • That airplane is huge!
  • Your outfit is hideous, you stupid girl!

Adverbs are very similar to adjectives, in that they're descriptive words. They are, however, used to describe verbs instead of nouns. They often make an action easier to visualize by describing it better, and most adverbs end with 'ly'. Examples of adverbs in sentences (the adverbs are boldfaced):

  • She opened the door very carefully.
  • I ran into the house as quickly as my little legs could go.
  • I nervously walked into the gaurded museum.

There are many other, more specific words I may ask for. Generally, you can understand what I'm asking for, but if the type is somewhat ambiguous, you can always simply look to the right of the entry and copy from an example or two that is always listed. You should be able to pick up other words that will work from my examples. If not, you can always send me feedback (upper-left) and I can try to fix any ambiguities. Some of these "other" words I ask for include:

  • Type of food
  • Restaurant
  • Building (some ask for 'the', 'a', etc. in front of the building name, others just want the building name)
  • Name of Male/Female (best if person whose name you use is in the room with you)
  • Best Friend/Worst Enemy (same as above, but try to avoid using a significant other as Enemy if he/she is watching)
  • Liquid (over-use of 'urine' gets old real fast)
  • Blunt Object (I admit, I stole this word idea from another site. I may never use it, but it looks fun)
  • Place (generally a geographical location)
  • Animal (hairy yak is always VERY good)
  • Object (simply a physical object; the 'thing' part of a noun)
  • Part of the body (can be either internal or external anatomy unless otherwise specified)
  • Relative/Family Member (either a type, such as 'aunt', 'uncle', etc. or a specific one. Read the examples to find out which that form wants)
  • Date (may be different formats from form to form. READ the notes in parenthesis for each form!)
  • Number

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