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Murder Manor:

Murder Manor

Mr. Corpse was murdered just a few hours ago and the killer has already scattered the clues! The police have assembled suspects who were near the scene of the crime, and now it's up to you. Figure out who did it, what weapon was used, and why.

Murder Manor is a mystery/detective game in which you compete against other real players to catch the killer! You create a detective with whatever strengths and weaknesses you want, and search for clues. Each clue you find eliminates a possible suspect, weapon, or motive, bringing you closer to the truth.

Notice: you must have a login in order to play Murder Manor! Please register or login , and you can begin playing immediately! Registration is free, of course, and Murder Manor is also free.

  Latest Murder Manor News
More new maps!! 2006-06-10 The Nerdmaster

I apologize for the incredibly long delay. Murder Manor is just too low on my priority list these days :(

After nearly a year of no new maps, I've reviewed over two dozen submissions, and approved three.

1: "Castle" by ishu_bagaria
2: "Beachhead" by Aqueel (slightly modified by me)
3: "Forbidden Tower" by April

Don't be offended if you sent a map that wasn't approved! Most of the submissions this time were surprisingly good (last time I had at least a dozen I threw away immediately), but I can't accept all of them, simply because there are so many maps now.

Thanks for all the contributions!

New hotkeys... again... 2005-08-18 The Nerdmaster

IE is super lame and allows all keys EXCEPT ALT-D to be overridden. Because of this, you can't go down with the keyboard, which sucks. So down has been changed to ALT-O. Isn't that just AWESOME?

In other news, the help has been updated to explain how the keyboard controls work. If you have been reading this news you probably already know, but it may help new players.

Fixes!! 2005-07-15 The Nerdmaster

In order to better serve the customer, I've made two changes.

First, the "alt+number" combinations are not working. I swear that I tested that out when I added it! In order to make something that works, I've converted to "alt+letter", where letter is the first letter of the button you want to hit (n,s,e,w,u,d).

Second, skills can be purchased at any time, not just when the detective has no games going on. I hope this doesn't break anything, but it has been an area of some confusion.

As always, please let me know if you have problems, either in the forum or by contacting me directly.

More New Maps! 2005-06-29 The Nerdmaster

With two more new maps in, I think the game's got diversity. Feel free to submit more maps, but I won't likely be adding more unless they really speak to me... The new maps are Forbidding Caves by Davey Jones, and Conference Hall by BlondiBlairy.

New Maps! 2005-02-01 The Nerdmaster

So far there have been several great map submissions, and two brand new maps!

Keep 'em Coming! Check out the map editor for your chance to be famous!

The new maps are "University Campus" by Davey Jones, and "Convention Center" by Cartman.

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