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Weblibs Stuff:
Parts of Speech
Helpful Tips
About Weblibs

Welcome to Nerdbucket's WebLibs

The internet's #1* place for crazy fill-in-the-blank stories

Welcome to the newly-remodeled WebLibs (still featuring WebLibMail!!), brought to you courtesy of Nerdbucket! WebLibs are simply my own 100% unique MadLib-like games for the web.

To play, simply choose a story below, fill out the form with the particular parts of speech (see link on your left if you attended public school), and you have a unique story which can be viewed, printed, or emailed to anybody with an email address!

For my slightly less astute friends (again, anybody who attended public school), I suggest first reading about the parts of speech (it's fun and educational!), and then looking over the "Helpful Tips" area, as the tips contained within are indeed helpful. For my well-read and educated friends... read the parts of speech and tips anyway, as your brains have likely overflowed with educational nonsense and no longer remember important things about nouns, verbs, and whatnot. A refresher course will guarantee better weblibs or your money back!

Choose a story:  

On with the zanyness (basic info): Creating a WebLib is a fairly straightforward process. Simply choose a story to create from the list above, and a form will materialize before your very eyes! You'll be asked for various parts of speech or even specific object/word types. Don't Panic. Simply fill in all the information and click the 'Make a WebLib' button. You'll then get a fully customized story made JUST FOR YOU!!

Read the story aloud and then try making it into a song (hey guys, women think it's incredibly sexy when you sing them freshly made WebLibs!). Like it a lot? Email it to a friend, coworker, boss, or that special someone with my new WebLibMail technology! WebLibs make great gifts, and nobody can have enough of them, so get going. The perfect WebLib may be just a click away...

*Based on a 2004 survey of games-oriented websites with a combination of a nerd and a bucket in their logo

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