Are you running CBS Bot for Magic: the Gathering Online? You need to CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD RIGHT NOW! You
need to STOP running the bot RIGHT NOW!
Need proof? Read on...
Change your hosts file (usually located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)
to make nerdbucket.com act like cardboostershop.com by adding this line of text: cardboostershop.com www.cardboostershop.com
Now run the bot and set up a fake user and password. It is important
that you don't use your real account data, because as you will see below, it
gets sent to the spoofed cardboostershop.com (my server) and captured!
UPDATE! Version 1.32 no longer sends your password. This seems
like good news, but there are several other backdoors! Please email
me for details - I'm not terribly comfortable publicly exposing all of
my knowledge on that subject.
When the bot does the "license
check", it will hit this site and you will be able to see YOUR NAME AND PASSWORD
down below:
Login: narlydude1281, Password: bloodofages
Login: , Password:
Login: f00, Password: fake
Login: username, Password: erijcnfd!uaQncdDeceiJZnce, Webpass: webpass
Login: name2, Password: pass2
Login: test, Password: password
Login: user, Password: pass
Login: user, Password: pass
Login: user, Password: pass
Login: user, Password: pass
If you want the full scoop, check out
my blog article.
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